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Found 2246 results for any of the keywords alternative energies net. Time 0.008 seconds.
Who we are? - Alternative-energies.netAlternative Energies Dot Net News or short (AEN News) is a team of green energy students, in search for everything new about the renewable energy sector.
Contact Page - Alternative-energies.netHave a comment or question for AEN News? We can be reached at the following: News about renewable energy and electric veNews about renewable energy and electric vehicles
BiomassBiomass energy is another form of renewable power that uses wood and plant waste, animal and human organic waste, energy crops and trash to generate low-carbon energy and heat.
Wind powerWind power is a form of clean energy produced by small or large wind turbines that start to spin due to the presence of the wind.
How toIn this section you will find resources on how to make your home more energy efficient and how to lower your energy bills.
Solar energySolar energy is produced by the Sun and can be harnessed with the help of PV cells for clean electricity or using large mirrors for solar thermal power.
HydropowerHydropower is a form of clean energy obtained from the falling water, which can be harnessed to produce clean electricity.
Electric VehiclesElectric vehicles are becoming more popular every year because our society moves slowly towards a future where electric cars will dominate the car market.
Geothermal energyGeothermal energy is the heat that comes from earth, and is considered a clean source of sustainable energy.
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